

Your Dreams, Our Direction

The CA Final Exam is conducted by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). This national-level exam is held twice a year and is a crucial step for aspiring Chartered Accountants in India. The exam is administered offline and candidates can apply through the online mode. The exam duration is 3 hours, and it is conducted in English.

For more information, please visit the ICAI Official Website.


ANM Classes is the ideal destination for our younger generation to reach global success with unbelievable results, which is located in Chennai. Our CA Final Coaching classes in Chennai will be handled by qualified faculty members who use unique teaching approaches to help our students grasp the concepts easily and quickly. We prepare our students not just for exams but also for their entire life, which our students will face in real time.

CA Course contains 3 Levels, namely, Foundation, Intermediate, and Final. Our CA Coaching Institute in Chennai offers separate classes for each level, as well as, different Groups for the foundation, Intermediate and CA Final Classes in Chennai. Find about the Course levels, below:-

Today, Chartered Accountants hold top management positions in both the government & private sector. They also provide professional and consultancy/advisory services within the fields of financial reporting and auditing, taxation, finance, and management accounting. There are three modes in the CA Course:

·         Foundation

·         Intermediate

·         CA Final



CA - Final

Your Dreams, Our Direction

This is the advanced level which is conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), includes an in-depth syllabus designed to test candidates' knowledge of accounting, taxation, auditing, strategic management and corporate laws. Divided into two groups, each with four subjects, our CA Final Coaching classes in Chennai covers a wide range of topics required for a Chartered Accountant's professional practice:


GROUP - 1:


1. Corporate Financial Reporting

2. Strategic Financial Management

3. Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics

4. Corporate and Economic Laws


GROUP - 2:


5. Strategic Cost Management and Performance Evaluation

6. Elective Paper

7. Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation

8. Indirect Tax Laws




CA Intermediate Pass  (Group 1 & 2).


Validity of Registration:


Once registered it is valid for 10 years and it can be revalidated at a charge of Rs. 500 upon expiry.


Mode of Registration & Payment:


Registration and payment can only be done Online and no Offline options are available.


Total Numbers of Paper:


Total number of papers is 6, divided into 2 Groups of 3 Papers each.


Exams held in the months of:


Held in May and November each year.


Rule for Appearing the Exams:

Students are very liberal to appear in one or both Groups simultaneously at their wish.

Join us at ANM Classes and start your journey towards a rewarding accounting career. Our Vision is to provide all students with a world-class education in Chartered Accountancy (CA) fostering success and excellence in the accounting field.

Our mission is to deliver exceptional training and assistance in CA, enabling students to professional success and fulfilment. Together, we hope to make the path to a career in accounting a collaborative and achievable endeavour.

Eligibility Criteria


Registration Requirements for CA Final Course

  • Complete CA Intermediate (Second Level), Mandatory before registering for the CA Final course
  • Complete 2 year articleship and 6 months study period before taking the CA Final exams
  • Transitioning from Old to New CA Scheme 

    • If you haven't appeared for the CA Final under the old scheme
    • Complete AICITSS (Advanced ITT and MCS) before registering for the CA Final under the new course.  

      Your Dreams, Our Direction

      Articleship is a 2 year articleship and 6-month study period supervised by practicing CAs, focusing on accounting, auditing, taxation, and financial management. It bridges classroom learning with real-world applications, enhancing technical skills and ethical standards. To qualify, pass both CA Intermediate exam groups and complete the ITT and Orientation Program

      Self Placed Online Modules

      SET A - 100 MARKS

      Corporate & Economic Law

      SET B - 100 MARKS

      Strategic & Performance Management

      SET C- 100 MARKS


      Risk Management 

      International Taxation

      Forensic Accounting


      Financial Services & Capital Markets

      SET D - 100 MARKS


      The Constitution of India & Art of Advocacy

      Psychology & Philosophy

      Entrepreneurship & Start-up Ecosystem

      Digital ecosystem & Controls 

      Requirements For Passing


      Obtain a Minimum of 40% Marks on Each paper of Each Group 

      Minimum 50 % Marks in aggregate of all papers, each group or both groups taken together  


      Obtain a Minimum of 40% Marks on Each Paper

      Minimum 50% Marks In Aggregate Of All Papers 

      Best Selling CA Final Courses


      Get In Touch

      Simply fill out the form to request a callback from one of our team members. We're here to address any questions you may have and provide the assistance you need.

      Contact Us